ADMISSIONS: 661-615-5915 | MAIN LINE: 661-615-5915
CAU Open House | Jan 25th, 2025


Tuition Reduction for Online Master’s Degree Students

The Executive Education Tuition Reduction is extended to qualifying students enrolled in the Master of Aviation Science program. Awarded in the amount of $2,400, this reduction is granted based upon professional accomplishments and demonstrated merit.

Each year, California Aeronautical University will recognize up to ten (10) students with the distinction of earning the Executive Education Tuition Reduction. This tuition reduction is awarded based on professional achievement and merit of applicants who have successfully completed the University’s application process.

This tuition reduction is awarded in the amount of $2,400 per one academic year only.

Eligibility Requirements:

The award is applicable to students enrolled in the University’s online Master of Aviation Science (MAS) degree program. Completed applications must be received the Friday immediately preceding the student’s start date.

All completed applications will be reviewed by a tuition reduction award committee at California Aeronautical University. Finalists may be scheduled for a personal interview. Preference will be given to employees of organizations that have employed California Aeronautical University graduates.

Submission Requirements:

  1. Submit a completed tuition reduction application and tuition reduction agreement.
  2. Demonstrate at least one year of work experience.
  3. Submit a letter of recommendation from current or past employer.
  4. Submit an essay, up to 750 words, answering the question: how will earning a master’s degree further your career? What are the critical behaviors of a successful executive? How will earning your master’s degree help you practice these behaviors and achieve your career ambitions?
  5. Submit a current résumé.


For more information call 661-615-5915.


Multiple Tuition Reductions

Unless otherwise stated, students may only receive one tuition reduction at a time from the CAU Tuition Reduction Program but may have other external scholarships in addition to those awarded by our College.

Award Disbursement

All tuition reductions are waivers of tuition, apply to tuition only, and will not result in a cash payment to students. Unless otherwise stated, tuition reductions awarded are generally split evenly among the terms in the student’s academic year. Applicants selected to receive tuition reduction will receive a letter from the campus director notifying him/her of the award.


Tuition reductions are non-transferable and may not be recycled. If a recipient withdraws from the College or fails to maintain eligibility, the award is rescinded and may not be awarded to another recipient.

Campus Transfers

If, during their enrollment, a tuition reduction recipient transfers to another CAU campus, the recipient may retain the portion of the award available but must still meet all eligibility requirements.

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