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CAU San Diego Open House | February 22, 2025

Private Pilot Certificate

The Private Pilot Certificate Is Where It Begins.

Included in Bachelor of Science in Aeronautics and Associate of Science in Aviation Studies.


The Private Pilot Certificate is usually the first milestone in a student's aviation career. This certificate is earned through either the Bachelor of Science in Aeronautics or the Associate of Science in Aviation Studies degree programs. Students experience the thrill of their first solo flight and are instructed in the basic principles of flight, fundamental flight maneuvers, preflight procedures, navigation and cross country operations, takeoffs/landings, emergency procedures and night operations.

Weight and balance calculations and the entire spectrum of aircraft performance are covered in detail during the course of the program and students learn essential aviation skills. Private pilot certificate holders are knowledgeable, confident and ready to take their career to the next level!


Private Pilot Certificate Highlights

Earn Within First Year Of Training

Students in the professional pilot degree programs can earn their Commercial Pilot Certificate within their second academic year.

Ground + Flight Training

In a combination of classroom and flight instruction, students are prepared for the successful completion of the Private Pilot Certificate.

Complete 1st Solo And Cross County Flights

Students are prepared for solo flights and cross-country operations.

Get To Experience The Thrill

The Private Certificate, earned through our degree programs, covers the following modules:
  • Basic Instrument Maneuvers
  • Stalls
  • Spin Entry
  • Emergency Procedures
  • Night Operations
  • Pre/Post-Flight Briefings
  • Flight Controls
  • Avionics Operations

Certificates And Ratings

Private Pilot Certificate

Additional Highlights

Now Is The Perfect Time To Apply!

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