ADMISSIONS: 661-615-5915 | MAIN LINE: 661-615-5915
CAU San Diego Open House | February 22, 2025

Minter Field Airport District Tuition Reduction Program

Minter Field Airport District operates Shafter Airport in Kern County, California. With three active runways, the Airport is ideal for corporate aircraft with its ability to taxi right up to the flying executive’s industrial door step. Additionally, Minter Field is home to several of the Reno Air Races, Strega, Miss TNT, Warlock and the Huntress.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Minimum GPA of 2.0
  • Registered for CAU's AeroCamp

Submission Requirements:

  • Application deadline is June 26th
  • Fill out the form below and email to [email protected] or mail to:

    California Aeronautical University
    Attn: Adia Smith
    1450 Boughton Drive
    Bakersfield, CA 93308

The application deadline is June 26th

The tuition reduction award recipient will be announced June 29th


Apply Now

Multiple Tuition Reductions

Unless otherwise stated, students may only receive one award at a time from the CAU Tuition Reductions Program but may have other external scholarships in addition to those awarded by our College.


Award Disbursement

All awards are waivers of tuition, apply to tuition only, and will not result in a cash payment to students. Unless otherwise stated, tuition reductions awarded are generally split evenly among the terms in the student’s academic year. Applicants selected to receive a tuition reduction will receive a letter from the campus director notifying him/her of the award.



Tuition reductions are non-transferable and may not be recycled. If a recipient withdraws from the College or fails to maintain eligibility, the award is rescinded and may not be awarded to another recipient.


Campus Transfers

If, during their enrollment, a tuition reduction recipient transfers to another CAU campus, the recipient may retain the portion of the award available but must still meet all eligibility requirements.