ADMISSIONS: 661-615-5915 | MAIN LINE: 661-615-5915
Deadline to apply is fast approaching. Apply today to start your journey!


Tuition Reduction for Aspiring Aviators

California Aeronautical University understands the barriers and challenges presented to many pursuing a career as a professional pilot. With great enthusiasm, the University is proud to award $10,000 in tuition reduction to those who wish to pursue their dreams of a career in aviation.

California Aeronautical University is committed to assisting students with financial resources to pursue their dreams of a career in aviation. The University is proud to award up to one hundred (100) tuition reductions of $10,000 each. We encourage individuals who are well-rounded, involved in their school or community, and actively interested in a career in aviation to apply for the Reaching New Heights’ Tuition Reduction.

The award is applicable to students enrolled in the University’s Bachelor of Science in Aeronautics program.

Eligibility Requirements:

The applicant must apply and begin classes at California Aeronautical University within one year of the applicant's high school graduation date. The tuition reduction award will be distributed evenly throughout the student’s program. Funds are applied to each student’s account and at no time will the award be issued directly to the student. In addition, awardees must maintain eligibility for the duration of their program through graduation by:

  • Maintaining a 2.5 cumulative GPA throughout the program and is allotted one financial aid warning term if their GPA falls below the required minimum.
  • Maintaining an enrollment status of at least a half-time student.
  • Maintaining a current student account balance.
  • Complying at all times with University policies, procedures, rules or other defined guidelines set forth in the University catalog or other student manuals.


Submission Requirements:

  1. Submit a completed tuition reduction application below on this page and tuition reduction agreement.
    • You'll then receive an email with instructions to submit the remaining documents:
  2. Submit proof of high school cumulative GPA of at least 2.5.
  3. Submit a recommendation letter to be completed by a high school official on behalf of the applicant.
  4. Submit a typed essay approximately 1-2 pages in length, explaining the motivation behind pursuing a career as a pilot and your future aviation career goals + why this tuition reduction is important to you.


For more information call 661-615-5915.


Multiple Tuition Reduction Programs

Unless otherwise stated, students may only receive one tuition reduction at a time from the CAU Tuition Reduction Program but may have other external scholarships in addition to those awarded by our College.

Award Disbursement

All tuition reductions are waivers of tuition, apply to tuition only, and will not result in a cash payment to students. Unless otherwise stated, tuition reduction awarded are generally split evenly among the terms in the student’s academic year. Applicants selected to receive a tuition reduction will receive a letter from the campus director notifying him/her of the award.


Tuition reduction is non-transferable and may not be recycled. If a recipient withdraws from the College or fails to maintain eligibility, the tuition reduction is rescinded and may not be awarded to another recipient.

Campus Transfers

If, during their enrollment, a tuition reduction recipient transfers to another CAU campus, the recipient may retain the portion of the award available but must still meet all eligibility requirements.

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