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Tips and Tricks to Stay Up to Date on IFR Training

IFR Training - California Aeronautical University

For pilots, it is important to stay up to date on IFR training. These 3 tips can help every pilot keep their instrument rating skills sharp.  Flying by instruments alone in adverse weather conditions is not easy, and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is well aware of the many challenges it presents. That is why …


Understanding the Sterile Cockpit Rule

Sterile Cockpit Rule - California Aeronautical University

What is a sterile cockpit/sterile flight deck? It’s a daily part of life for many pilots on every flight. If you have ever been on an airline flight, it has affected you, too. Understanding the sterile cockpit rule not only helps you to become a better pilot, but a more effective crew member, flight attendant, …


4 Surprising Facts About Night Flying

Night Flying - California Aeronautical University

Night flying poses different risks and considerations than flying during the day – here are 4 surprising facts about flying at night. For the general public, “flying at night” means trying (and usually failing) to get some sleep in an uncomfortable, tiny seat while not bothering one’s row neighbors on either side. It usually makes …


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