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9 Common Checkride Errors (and How to Avoid Them)

9 Common Checkride Errors (and How to Avoid Them) - CAU

Knowing the main reasons students fail their checkride, along with careful preparation, goes a long way to avoiding potential checkride errors on test day. Let’s review some of the most common trouble spots and how to avoid them. Preparing for your checkride is similar to preparing for a final exam: it is not something you …


Transitioning from Military to Civilian Aviation Student: 6 Tips for Success

Transitioning From Military to Civilian Aviation

When transitioning from military to civilian aviation, there are a few things to consider to ensure your transition is as smooth as possible. [lwptoc numeration=”none” skipHeadingText=”Share This:”] For those exiting the armed forces, there are exciting career prospects that await your departure from the military. To get the most out of new opportunities, you will …


How to Prepare for Your First Solo Flight

First Solo Flight - California Aeronautical University

Preparing for your first solo flight can be a stressful milestone in your aviation education. Here’s how to prepare for your solo and take the next step towards your aviation career. [lwptoc numeration=”none” skipHeadingText=”Share This:”] The day has finally arrived. You are about to become a real aviator. Flying solo is the first step of …


Ground Reference Maneuvers: A Student’s Guide

Ground Reference Maneuvers - California Aeronautical University

Student pilots must become familiar with ground reference maneuvers in order to demonstrate controlled airmanship. [lwptoc numeration=”none”] Ground reference maneuvers involve using an airplane’s flight controls to affect the course of flight. Knowing these are necessary to operate in an airport traffic pattern. A solid understanding of pitch, roll, and yaw are all involved, as …


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