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CAU San Diego Open House | February 22, 2025

Wing Flaps: How Do They Function and What Is Their Purpose?

Wing Flaps Function and Purpose - cau

The first step to growing as a safe and competent pilot is to fully understand how an aircraft works. This includes understanding every part of an airplane, especially its control surfaces and how they affect performance. Fully comprehending the ways in which various sections of the airplane affect aerodynamics, as well as how the laws …


What is a Turboprop?

what is a turboprop - california aeronautical university

Turboprops play a significant role in aviation, often used for regional or short-haul flights. The power behind these small to mid-sized aircraft may seem a bit basic, but it is actually quite complex and note-worthy.   Here we will take a closer look at turboprops, how they work, their advantages and disadvantages, and why they continuously …


Your Guide to Airplane Parts and Their Function

Airplane Parts and Their Function - California Aeronautical University

If you are considering a career in aviation – whether as a pilot, or A&P mechanic – you will need to learn the different airplane parts and their function. This guide discusses the main parts of aircraft, and why they are important. [lwptoc numeration=”none” skipHeadingLevel=”h3″ skipHeadingText=”Share This:”] When it comes to careers in aviation, there …


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