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CAU San Diego Open House | February 22, 2025

4 Considerations of a Crosswind Landing Every Great Pilot Should Know

Crosswind Landing - California Aeronautical University

A crosswind landing can be stressful and difficult, here are four considerations that every great pilot should know. [lwptoc numerationSuffix=”dot” title=”CONTENTS” titleFontSize=”34px” itemsFontSize=”18px”] Inexperienced pilots sometimes fly in dread of a crosswind landing.  Sometimes experienced aviators prefer to avoid them. Such extreme conditions are usually rare, however, and safe pilots tend to avoid such landing …


What You Should to Know About an Emergency Descent Procedure

Emergency Descent Procedure - California Aeronautical University

Learning correct emergency descent procedures is vital for student pilots looking to master the art and science of flying. [lwptoc numerationSuffix=”dot” title=”Contents” titleFontSize=”30px” itemsFontSize=”18pt”] Student pilots must learn the basics of the emergency descent procedures of the airplane they are learning to fly. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires this as part of a student’s …


How to Nail a Short Field Takeoff

Pilot Maneuvering a Short Field Takeoff - California Aeronautical University

Truly understanding how to execute a short field takeoff is one of the markers that separates a beginner pilot from an experienced one. The ability to safely demonstrate a short field takeoff is expected of pilots holding a Commercial certificate, as this indicates that he or she can demonstrate precise control of the aircraft even …


When IFR Flight Training Is Necessary

When IFR Flight Training Is Necessary

Is IFR training really necessary? Technically not—plenty of private pilots fly quite happily without it— but working on an instrument rating is always a good idea, whether or not you plan on flying for pay on the side or as a lifelong career. IFR flight training requires a great deal of hard work and a …