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CAU San Diego Open House | February 22, 2025

How Do Small Airplanes Find Their Way Around?

Small Plane Navigation

Giant airplanes like airliners and military transport aircraft use sophisticated, onboard methods to fly from Point A to Point B.  Today, they usually use GPS (Global Positioning System) and/or a combination of other methods using lasers, gyroscopes, and other sophisticated stuff. Interestingly, a few years ago, the military deliberately downgraded the GPS signals the USA’s …


The Science Behind Turbulence

In Flight Turbulence

If an airplane can zoom along at supersonic speeds and provide Wifi on demand, why are passengers still grabbing for barf bags and gripping armrests when it comes to turbulence? Why can’t pilots just stay away from it? The short answer: They can’t. Turbulence is basically weather, and therefore about as predictable.   What is …


Airplane Aerodynamics

San Diego Flight Center - CAU

An understanding of flight is rooted in a strong grasp of how an airplane gets in the air—and stays there. Both a passenger jet and a tiny paper airplane are governed by the same forces.  Understanding airplane aerodynamics is key to a successful partnership with the atmosphere: They are the foundation for study for student …