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CAU San Diego Open House | February 22, 2025

What Are Aviation V-Speeds?

What Are Aviation V-Speeds? - CAU

Many English-speaking people think that “V” stands for Velocity, which is generally correct. But another French aviation phrase, “Vitesse” – which means “speed” – is represented by the letter “V” in V-Speed.  The FAA requires that aircraft manufacturers provide certain V-speeds to ensure the safest and most efficient flow of air traffic. They are standard …


Pressure Altitude vs. Density Altitude: What’s the Difference?

Pressure Altitude vs. Density Altitude - California Aeronautical University

Understanding pressure altitude vs. density altitude is an important factor in becoming a safe, well-rounded pilot. [lwptoc skipHeadingLevel=”h4″] Many student pilots are confused by the difference between pressure altitude and density altitude.  Understanding which is which will help you better understand the forces acting upon your aircraft; a well-educated pilot can then adjust accordingly, especially …


How High Do Commercial Planes Fly?  

How high do commercial planes fly - CAU

As an aviation student, you will learn a lot about the significant role that altitude plays in flying an aircraft. There are, after all, different altitudes and different reasons why you would choose to fly within each one.   The FAA and ATC officials plan carefully to make sure that every aircraft takes off, lands, and …