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4 Ways to Prepare for Airline Interviews

Airline Interviews - Cal Aero University

Airline interviews are often different from all other job interviews as they usually consist of technical questions. Learn how to ace your airline interview with these tips. [lwptoc numeration=”decimalnested” labelHide=”hide” skipHeadingLevel=”h3″ skipHeadingText=””] If you have prepared for a career as an airline pilot, then you know that the airline interview process can be overwhelming. However, …


3 Incredible Benefits of Becoming an Airline Pilot

Becoming an Airline Pilot - California Aeronautical University

Flying as an airline pilot is one of the most visible jobs in the aviation industry. It is the profession the general public most often pictures when they think of someone employed as a pilot. While there are many different and valuable paths an aviator can take, including charter or corporate work, military service, and …


Airline Industry Hiring Opportunities: Then and Now

Airline Industry Hiring Opportunities

The airline industry offers many exciting career opportunities which range throughout the salary scale. If the goal is to simply work around airplanes, the current economic climate and shifting expectations regarding student loans means that many paths are open. As long as certifications, logged hours, and background checks are in order, a career in the …


Airline Cadet Programs – What Are They?

The world of professional aviation can take many forms from airliners to corporate flying, career flight instructing to skydiving operations.  The largest portion of university students hoping to become professional pilots will ultimately head to the airlines.  To help bridge the gap between school and employment, many regional airlines have created cadet programs which give …


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