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CAU San Diego Open House | February 22, 2025

The Benefits of Airline Cadet Programs

The Benefits of Airline Cadet Programs - CAU

Do you dream about traveling the world as a pilot? Are you still fascinated with watching airplanes take off and land? Most pilots have been interested in aviation from a young age and are passionate about flying. Many professional aviators still remember the nervous excitement from when they were starting flight school and how valuable …


4 Ways to Prepare for Airline Interviews

Airline Interviews - Cal Aero University

Airline interviews are often different from all other job interviews as they usually consist of technical questions. Learn how to ace your airline interview with these tips. [lwptoc numeration=”decimalnested” labelHide=”hide” skipHeadingLevel=”h3″ skipHeadingText=””] If you have prepared for a career as an airline pilot, then you know that the airline interview process can be overwhelming. However, …