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California Aeronautical University Will Honor Its First Graduating Class

CAU Graduation

BAKERSFIELD, CA – California Aeronautical University will hold a graduation ceremony to honor its first graduating class on Saturday, June 1, 2019. The first annual commencement ceremony will take place at the University located on Meadows Field International Airport at 12 pm. Our first graduates will receive their diploma in the University’s degree programs, including …


Alpha Eta Rho Welcomes New Chapter from CAU

CAU Alpha Eta Rho

California Aeronautical University has announced its partnership with the Alpha Eta Rho aviation fraternity, creating the new Alpha Sigma Psi chapter of the fraternity after an official initiation ceremony on Thursday, January 18th. Founded under the guiding principle of being a shining beacon for modern aeronautical education, CAU has decided to take its commitment a …


CFI Student Pilots Sign-On with Mesa Airlines

Mesa Airlines Pilot Recruitment came to the CAU campus last week and presented our student CFI pilots Luis and Tanner with an incredible achievement! They both are now part of the Mesa CFI (Certified Flight Instructor) Cadet Program! In partnership with Southern Airways Express, Mesa Airlines created the Cadet program to provide flight school graduates with a direct pathway to a …



Our staff and students organized some amazing things for the campus and students to celebrate the holiday spirit, including creating their very own rendition of the 12 Days of Holidays. Each day we shared a different ‘gift’ on our social media accounts, featuring our students, partners, and fun festivities around the campus! The 12 Days of …


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