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Helicopter Pilot Requirements: 8 Things to Know

Helicopter Pilot Requirements - California Aeronautical University

Are you interested in a career in rotorcraft? Here are eight helicopter pilot requirements to know before you begin your journey. Rotary-wing flying is an exciting world. Unlike a conventional airplane, you can land pretty much anywhere, not to mention being able to hover and even fly backward. If you consider learning to fly, helicopters …


What to Expect When You Become a Helicopter Pilot

Training to become a helicopter pilot - California Aeronautical University CAU

Ask anyone who flies an airplane, and they will say a large part of the fun is looking down at the world below. It doesn’t matter if you’re overflying a city, rural countryside, mountains, desert, or coastline. In a helicopter, it is even better. One reason is that according to FAA regulations, a helicopter can …


R44 vs. R22: Meet the Robinsons Training Helicopters

Robinson R44 and R22 Helicopter side-by-side.

There are many reasons why helicopter pilots decide to undergo pilot training. For some, it was about embarking on a new career path. For others, it may have just been a hobby – or the desire to own and operate their private helicopter. Are you interested in becoming a helicopter pilot? Regardless of your reason, …


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