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Minter Field Airport District AeroCamp Tuition Reduction Program

Minter Field Airport District will award a $725 tuition reduction to 3 Kern County residents for Summer AeroCamp at California Aeronautical University

Minter Field Airport recently announced its “Minter Field Airport District Scholarship,” a $725 tuition reduction awarded to three Kern County residents who attend California Aeronautical University’s summer aviation camp, AeroCamp.

As a Kern County partner who shares California Aeronautical University’s (CAU) value of promoting aviation among the next generation, Minter Field Airport District would like to fuel the interest of passionate youth aviation enthusiasts by sponsoring tuition reduction programs allowing students to gain a better understanding of the aviation community. The tuition reduction will cover the entire cost of the summer AeroCamp, including meals, camp T-shirt, and a discovery flight.

Eligible tuition reduction recipients must live in Kern County, have a minimum GPA of 2.0, submit a tuition reduction application and register for CAU’s AeroCamp.

The tuition reduction application can be found online: The application deadline is June 26th, and the tuition reduction winners will be announced Friday, June 29th.

AeroCamp is a 5-day “day camp” held on July 16-20 at the CAU campus on Meadows International Airport. The aviation camp is designed to give young people a unique opportunity to explore the world of aviation and aerospace. Campers get to fly an airplane if they so choose. All proceeds from AeroCamp will go to Alpha Eta Ro, the University’s aviation fraternity, to support aviation awareness with the youth.

To learn more about this program, contact California Aeronautical University at (661) 615-5915 or visit their website:


California Aeronautical University prepares students for exciting careers in aviation. Serving students from all over the country, the University offers professional pilot degree programs and other aviation-related training programs from its unparalleled purpose-built flight training facility at Bakersfield International Airport. The University has developed career opportunities for its graduates with airlines across the nation. For information, visit or call (661) 615-5915.

Minter Field Airport District operates Shafter Airport in Kern County, California. With three active runways, the Airport is ideal for corporate aircraft with its ability to taxi right up to the flying executive’s industrial door step. Additionally, Minter Field is home to several of the Reno Air Races, Strega, Miss TNT, Warlock and the Huntress.

For more information: Call (661) 615-5915 / Monica Raymond

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