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How to Become a Pilot in Arizona 

How to become a pilot in Arizona - CAU

Many people spend their lives dreaming of becoming a pilot and flying planes all around the world. Others are taking notice of the pilot shortage and want to take advantage of new opportunities for their future.   Whatever your reason for wanting to learn how to become a pilot in Arizona, figuring out how to get …


Upcoming Events – November 2023

November 2023 Events SkyWest Pilot Recruiting will be visiting the CAU Bakersfield campus on Wednesday, November 8th. The recruitment team will give a presentation to current CAU students about their SkyWest Pilot Pathway Program, followed by a pilot workshop on the topic of high speed/high altitude aerodynamics/performance. This event is open to CAU students only.

What is Adverse Yaw and How Does it Affect Flying?

Adverse Yaw - California Aeronautical University

Adverse yaw is a reality of flying that each pilot must learn to combat in order to successfully fly safely and effectively. [lwptoc skipHeadingLevel=”h3″] Adverse yaw is the tendency of an airplane, when turning and banked, to go the opposite direction. The way an airplane banks is by deflecting its ailerons. The ailerons are the hinged part …


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